Sunday, 26 September 2010

Sunday Evening (actually late night) Reflections

Every week seems to be whizzing by at break neck speed - it seems as soon as I blink, another week has passed and it was just as busy as the last.  My co-workers and I have spent so long looking forward to the fortnight of holidays, I do try to be mindful (since it was pointed out by another co-worker) that it seems we're wishing our lives away in pursuit of time off!  Not quite the right way to live day by day.  

I'm hoping to slow down and take some time over the next couple of weeks of holiday.  The days are already filling up with all manners of lovely things, like hair appointments, lunches, dinners and events in jamat khane (my mosque) - happily busy, but I need to remember to find that balance... to get back to eating healthily, planning meals, resting and exercising.  

Phill helped me regain my balance yesterday and we had a wonderful day lunching, brunching and dining all over the city - our scrumptious meals were punctuated by movies!  Fun, happy, kid's movies - I think I've mentioned before that I love the escapism inherent in a good movie, and cartoons are no exception.  We started off by going to see Despicable Me.  Hilarious.  Loved it... seemed Phill and I were the only ones laughing most of the time, but a great movie, nonetheless.  

Then, as a surprise, Phill took me to the IMAX screening of Beauty and the Beast.  I'm a sucker for a good love story and this movie certainly counts.  It doesn't matter how many times I've seen it, I love it.  Makes my heart all warm and fuzzy.  What was even better, was that there was a gorgeous little girl who looked to be around 4 or 5 who rocked up with her parents in a Belle ballgown!  If that wasn't cute enough, at the end of the movie when the happily ever after happens, she exclaimed "YAY!" and started clapping and giggling... I couldn't help but to smile; let's be honest - everyone is thinking "YAY!" at the end of the movie anyways.  picture source

I also picked up that great book that I wrote about yesterday.  I'm really trying to take some of it to heart and make some positive changes in my life.  So grateful I found it, to help me on this journey!

While I'm really looking forward to these next two weeks' holiday, I'm also super excited for Term 4.  Aside from the weather starting to fine up, sniffles starting to reduce and the long holidays looming, I'm excited to hang out with my class.  I have to admit, over the past term, my students have been working incredibly hard and really starting to take ownership of their learning.  It seems as though that mid-year switch has flipped, the light's gone on and they're now more mature, independent and motivated.  They've always been a great bunch of students, but a corner has been turned and it's just awesome.  So lucky to have such lovelies! 

Hopefully I'll find that balance over the next little while... is there anything you're looking for or forward to for the next fortnight or two?


Ang said...

Two weeks from now is Thanksgiving weekend. I'm looking forward to the turkey and yummy things that accompany it - including family time. The trees are changing now too, so during this next fortnight some beautiful colours will be coming. So many things to look forward to. (And... perhaps some mail?)

Anonymous said...

Oh yum! Every year I think "I'll have a turkey dinner" but I never get around to it. Maybe I'll make a roast chicken dinner. :)
I love the changing trees - we get a bit of it here, but not to the same extent. The smell of the crisp autumn air is awesome too!!
You'll definitely get some mail, my friend... I've got some letter writing time set aside for the next couple of days. :) x


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