Sunday 30 January 2011

Things What I Love... Websites Edition

There are so many posts buzzing around in my head and have been over the last few days - I have been having a bit of a blogging holiday.  There will be a lot more writing coming up soon, I'm re-insipred and re-energized to write!  To gently ease myself into it, I wanted to share some great websites I've stumbled upon and followed links to.

First, we have Vivian Maier - Her Discovered Work .  I just saw this article on the news (literally minutes ago.) Basically, someone bought a box of undeveloped negatives from an auction house in Chicago and found (upon developing some of the extensive collection) that it contained some STUNNING photographs.  I just looked through some of the website and fell in love with her images and her view of the world.  Well worth a peek if you appreciate a good story and photo.

Next, World Peace Kids is a fabulous blog, written by a 10 year old student and a few of his friends who attend a Montessori School in California.  I love that these students are being proactive and taking action to improve the world they live in.  Love, love, love.


Finally, Baking for Hospice is a wonderful, fabulous, brilliant idea!  Basically, volunteers bake for hospice patients, their families and staff.  It usually happens once a month or so and there are a number of drop off points around the city.  A hospice provides respite care and it is also to give their families a break from being primary care-givers for a little while.  Baked goodies are always appreciated and can usually bring a smile to even the most dour of faces.  You know I'm right.  The first thing I want to do when I'm feeling a bit glum or want a bit of comfort is bake a little something to cheer myself up.  It's a little bit of love, that's tasty too.  I've volunteered and I'm eagerly waiting my first email to do my little part to help.  I think I need an icing set in order to bake to my fullest potential.  Just sayin'.

Sunday 9 January 2011

Searching for the Silver Lining.

Yesterday, the unthinkable happened.  Every time a school goes up in flames here, I think, "God... what if...?" and I generally couldn't bear to finish the thought.  Yesterday, sadly, we were forced to stop wondering what if, and it moved to "What now?"

Our beautiful school is still beautiful... just... well... yeah.

So... the silver lining is there, and it's a substantial silver lining... there are things to be grateful for...
  1. No one was hurt.  A true blessing in a fire that big.
  2. Our school community is phenomenal.  Teachers, former teachers, students and families... everyone will come together and like some guy on the news said, we will end up stronger for it.  I genuinely believe that.
  3. It is still an excellent school.  The quality of the teaching programmes and learning that will go on, starting next month has not changed, nor will it as a result of this.   
  4. The fire service was amazing.  Utterly amazing.  They contained the fire and stopped it from ravaging the whole school.  I was lucky enough to bump into the New Zealand Fire Service guy, Steve Larkin (I'm not entirely sure that's his last name, but I'm close) when we were leaving the speedway tonight.  I had to stop and thank him for all their hard work last night and the incredible job they did.  He thanked me for speaking to him... it could have been because I was a bit teary eyed as I spoke to him, but he was a really nice man.  
  5. My friends and family are wonderful, lovely and supportive.  Love, love, love.  So blessed. x
It's happened and done now.  There will still be tears.  There is still anger, frustration, emptiness and a whole lot of sadness.  But it is also time to rebuild and move forward.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Amazing Avocado!

Phill's parents have a beautiful orchard upon which they grow avocados.  None of the Coupers are really fussed on the fabulous fruit.  This works out fairly well for me, since I love them... as does Mum! 

Usually, when we leave the orchard after a visit, we (I) stop at the top of the driveway and fill up a plastic bag with avos that have fallen off the trees.  These fruit go to waste, as they fall off the tree when they are ripe, so they won't last through packaging and shipping... so I don't feel bad taking the fruit.  Again, this works out well for me!  The thing is, my eyes are usually (much) bigger than my stomach.  I get so excited that so many lovely avos are ready and waiting to be mine, that I take too many.  I've started making and freezing large batches of guacamole, but I craved a little something sweet today... and voila - avocado whip!! 

I found this fab little recipe online - I tried it and LOVE it! I made two ramekins full, and I've already eaten one.  Is it horrible of me to hope that Mum doesn't want hers so I can have it?  I may have to whip up another batch. 

Avocado Whip
  • 1 ripe avocado 
  • 1/2 cup milk **
  • 1/4 white sugar*
  • 1/2-1 tsp vanilla extract (to taste)
Cut avocado and pit avocado.
Put all the ingredients in a food processor and blend up until smooth(ish).
Spoon into dishes.
Chill for at least 20 minutes (I put mine in the freezer).

**I used light blue milk (which is a step down from homogenized/whole milk but not quite skim... maybe 1-2%?  I think it would be fabulous with cream or whole milk.  Then I'd definitely eat Mum's share!
*The sugar was a bit crunchy - next time, I may try it with caster sugar... but again, it didn't stop me from scarfing it down!


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