Friday, 20 January 2012

Fun in the Sun

The sun has finally come out to play this week - and what a glorious week we've had!

I thought we'd enjoy a pictorial journey through summer so far...
I finally finished Ellie's handwarmers that I started ages ago.  Love the wool - hoping to make socks out of the rest (if I can remember where I put the ball of wool when I was done!)

Matt, Julia and Lily Sides (such a perfect triangle) came home to visit from Japan; Zahrina came home to visit from India - it was lovely to have some of the girls over for lunch to meet Lily and visit with old friends.

An AWESOME combination - homemade lemon curd (which I made at the beginning of the summer, with lemons from our tree - it was a bit runnier than it should have been, but still yummy) and long overdue sultana scones.  They turned out perfectly... together, such a lovely pairing of my culinary awesomeness.
Mum, Rebecca, Fiona and myself out for a leisurely lunch at Masala in Mission Bay.  Yummy in my tummy! 
Homemade tomato chutney - made on a drizzly day with tomatoes from our garden.  All the recipes I could find were for large amounts, so I made this half portion.  The recipe is on my new food and garden blog, found here.
A stunning sunset out of the upstairs hallway window.  Red sky at night, sailor's delight.

And the following day was indeed stunning, so we legged it to the beach. 
A small (tiny) sampling of the beans from our garden.  I picked two full metal bowls of beans today.  They are now safely blanched, dried and frozen for future consumption.

I really do love summer holidays! Two more weeks of this fabulousness - bring it on!


thegirlhassparke said...

Oh it sounds like you are having a lovely summer holiday. We have not had great weather this summer, I haven't even been swimming yet, I would love a beach day.

Anonymous said...

This week has really been lovely - my mood has lifted immeasurably as a result! :) The first couple of weeks were awful though, but at least I didn't feel bad sleeping in! I'm sure your beach day will come - it's got to!

Faiza said...

that lily is locely and the red setting sun in divine! happy summer!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Faiza! The sunset was stunning - I just couldn't stop staring at it and taking pictures!

sheba said...

gorgeous sunset! so jealous of all the sun and warmth you're enjoying!

Anonymous said...

Sending some sunshine, your way Sheba! Just think - in 6 months, when you're enjoying an ice cream on a sunny New York Sunday, it'll be pretty wet, windy and cold here! (No, not -17, but it won't be very nice.) So then I will be jealous of you. :)


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