Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Bursting To Share Our Success!

I make no secret of the fact that I love my job. I am very lucky to have fallen into the perfect career for me (and yes, I did fall into it... it was not that path I had planned.)

As with any job, there are a host of challenges that are inherent within it... But oh my goodness, it is ever rewarding, fulfilling and uplifting. Being a Montessori teacher (any kind of teacher, actually) can break your heart (for hundreds of different reasons) and it can also fill your heart. It can fill your heart to its capacity and beyond; so much so, that you think it is going to explode.

I had some amaaaaaaaaazing moments today, which I am SO grateful for. I just had to share them with you!

  • One of my intermediate mums came to thank me this morning for whatever I have been doing with her daughter/working with her on in her writing. She told me it's spilled over to her general attitude towards school and her work in general. She is excited and motivated to come to school and is happier. What a GREAT way to start the day!! (Thank you, Mum of student! You have no idea HOW much that meant to me!!) 
  • Today's reading group told me that they are really enjoyed the work I'm giving them to do after reading their book.
  • As a follow up activity to their reading, I asked them to create a timeline of events for what's happened so far in the story. I told them to do whatever they wanted or present it however they wanted. Then I went off for a couple of hours to plan their next unit. When I came in at lunchtime to do some marking, I was blown away with what they had done in the hour and a half I was gone. It was AMAZING. (They didn't have to go away and work on it then, they all chose to.) Almost all of them had used the previous lessons and learning to build upon to create these fantastic timelines!! Woot! Score one for me and explicit teaching of reading comprehension strategies! Check these out!
  • A child from another class asked me today (after a small explanation of what Montessori is) how he could "join Montessori." SO CUTE! 
It's all coming together!! (And it's our success, because it's just as much the children's success as it is mine.) 


Anonymous said...

My son goes to a school that has a Montessori option. I would sooo love for him to be in it, but they are full. The only reason they aren't taking more is that they can't find another Montessori teacher. I wish more teachers would do Montessori! You are special people.

Unknown said...

Aw, thank you! It's not an easy option to pursue and it is a bit more of a balancing act than teaching already is, but it is so worth it! :)

Montessori teachers are hard to come by in NZ! There needs to be a more intensive and thorough face to face training to continue to grow and feed the demand for Montessori teachers here. :)


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