Sunday 1 August 2010

Sunday Evening Reflections

It's been another week, fraught with a great many more downs than ups.  Aside from a whole range of this'n'that, as of yesterday, it's been exactly 3 months since Dad's passing - it was a bit difficult, especially not being home with Mum, Navaz & Shazeen & the Kids... but I am here with Phill and some wonderfully kind, supportive, understanding and loving girlfriends at work and that's pretty awesome.

I have found that making that conscious effort to be mindful of the good stuff throughout the week (with this post in mind) has really helped.  I'm worried I'll forget some things - I'm going to have to start writing them down as they occur to me during the week. 

1.  Two letters from across the ditch and a parcel from across the world this week.  I got a card from Megan on Monday.  I love how honest she is in her letters.  I'm looking forward to getting to know her better.  Later in the week, I got a letter from Sophie in a gorgeous envelope.  She also put in these beautiful note cards - I can't wait to use them!  I also got our Amazon package full of books we had ordered - I'm finally going to read The Girl Who Played With Fire.  I am going to wait until things are less busy, so I can curl up and read for a weekend. 

2.  I can (mostly) drive manual now.  I'm going to try taking the car to work one day this coming week.  Fingers are crossed.  Tightly.  I am probably going to carpool with Rebecca the first time I take it - therefore if I completely lose it, I'll have her in the car with me to calm me down.  (Thank you, in advance, Bexki!) 

3.  I've lost almost 2 kg (4.4 lbs.)  Eating a bit less and moving a bit more is fruitful.  I must keep it up. 

4.  A relaxing Saturday afternoon, watching two hilarious movies to inject a bit of pep to end my week.  I can even feel a smile on my dial when I am thinking of these movies!

First I popped in Sione's Wedding.  This is a hilarious New Zealand film about grown men playing as boyz.  (Yes, I used a 'z' intentionally.)  Sione is getting married on the weekend, and he doesn't want his brother and friends to continue their track record of ruining other people's big days.  The only way they are able to attend the wedding is by bringing a girl to whom they have made a commitment to.  Hilarity ensues.  It's not a cinematic masterpiece, but it's light and funny and the best thing of all - I'm a sucker for a happy ending.  Oscar Kightley is absolutely endearing as Albert, and the rest of the Naked Samoans comedy troupe - hilarious... and Robbie Magasiva?  Not so hard on the eyes, no.

Keeping with the happy endings, I then put in the Aussie classic, The Castle.  This movie is frikkin' hilarious, filled with Aussie colloquialisms and again, lots of warm fuzzies.  The government wants to take the Kerrigan house (and their neigbours) to extend the airport and Darryl Kerrigan is not letting his family home go without a fight.  Not only is it a great movie - the narrator's mullet is top notch!  I can't find a photo of it online, but trust me, it's a stunning specimen.  I can't help but to feel my heart smile when I watch this movie (and no, it's not because I'm reliving my own daliance with a mullet.) 

5.  A pleasant Sunday morning shopping with Louisa and then wandering around a bit with both Phill and Louisa.  So easy to just be with them. 

6.  Going to spend this evening writing letters and cards.  It's one of my favourite ways to spend a Sunday evening.

A rocky week, but no matter how flat I'm feeling - I've always got a heck of a lot to be grateful for.


thegirlhassparke said...

Glad my card arrived safely!
I cant drive a manual, last time I tried it was a complete disaster, i am not sure if I will ever try again.I am starting my health kick tomorrow, scared to step on the scales though :-( Have a wonderful evening, I am off to bed.

Anonymous said...

Megan - I love getting your cards! I've put yours in the mail today (once again, forgetting to take a photo!) I'm doing okay with the manual. Almost took it to work today, but it was miserable out and I am not that game yet. Good luck with your health kick - I'm sure you'll be fabulous. :) x Hope you had great sleeps!


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